A Breakthrough In Google Blockly Visual Programming

Create solutions with your choice of providers without writing a single line of code

block if statement dragged block

Experience DragToCode FREE BETA!

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What You Get From DragToCode

Use Blockly to create clear, powerful, cost-effective solutions
with your existing providers and without the expense of a developer or server

Connecting Icon
Connect and Run

Connect your existing voice, email, and Redis providers with a DragToCode script, and it's ready for action around the world.

Block Connect Icon
Easy To Understand

Designed by Google to teach programming, the blocks say what they mean, making complex business requirements clear and expressive.

Settings Management Icon
Easy to Manage

We handle the heavy lifting for you with logging, version control, and handling switching providers (like from Mailjet to Sendgrid).

Be instantly productive with DragToCode

Use Blockly to create clear, powerful, cost-effective solutions without the need of a professional developer or server!

Powerful interface built by Google...

Google built the interface, and we added blocks for email, SMS, queueing, voice, database, and more!

Easy to understand debugger...

Start anywhere. Simply plug in your own values and see your script in action!

Experience DragToCode FREE BETA!

No credit card required. No software to download. No obligation!

Start Your Free Beta

All New DragToCode Features

Focus valuable resources on your business instead of spending time on changing vendor interfaces. Change to another supported vendor with just a click.

Recently Added, Voice/SMS Integration...
Create and modify complex phone interactions with a click.

voice block feature

Creating voice applications and SMS processing has never been easier.
Just drag powerful blocks together and form instantly deployable solutions!

  • Clear, Concise Google Blocks
  • Reliable Processing in the Cloud
  • Extremely Low Barrier to Programming
  • No Professional Programmer Necessary

Try The DragToCode Live Demo

Starting Template:
Keep In Mind: The full system includes a debugger and logger.
Run Without Signup
Sign Up and Run Script

Experience DragToCode During The FREE BETA!

No credit card required. No software to download. No obligation!

Start Your Free BETA

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Calls the number provided and plays a prompt. If the called party presses 1, an "I broke something" is played, otherwise a "start over" prompt is played before hanging up. 4125551212 1 none 10 item 1 https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/blockly-source/talk.mp3 EQ item 1 1 https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/blockly-source/broke.mp3 1 https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/blockly-source/startover.mp3 CONTINUE Retrieves Google's stock price, emailing the value and whether it is odd or even response GET FALSE https://www.google.com/finance/info?q=NASDAQ:GOOG stock json FROM_START FROM_END response property body 6 2 JSON stock object stock json stock price stock object l_cur EVEN 0 stock price message Google stock price is even: message Google stock price is odd: message stock price daarond@gmail.com Google Stock Price message Retrieves a random Chuck Norris quip, texting the value to a device response GET FALSE http://api.icndb.com/jokes/random JSON object response property body joke object value.joke 4125551212 joke